Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another day in Paradise

Today was a great day! My granddaughter and I had lunch with friends and then went shopping. She's looking for a prom dress. Then---the big event, for me--I got to meet Susan Branch! She has a shop in the town where I live and today was the launch of her new fabric designs. I'm a quilter so I was excited to see the fabrics "in the flesh." I'll be entering her quilt challenge; more on that later in the summer. The granddaughter got busy picking out fabrics for HER quilt! I'm in the process of making quilts for all my grandkids; very few of them actually get to pick the fabric, though.

Did I tell you I live in Paradise? A postcard, really. It's fun living in a vacation destination--even if it's a small one. Maybe better that it's a small one! Small and picturesque. Waited a long time and now I'm enjoying it very much!

1 comment:

knittercritter said...

Hi Sherrry!
Just found your blog as I am also joining the "For Me" KAL (like I need another project!) But I envy you because I live in Bakersfield and I would pull out all of my teeth to be able to move to the coast. Sigh.....Maybe some day. In the meantime, among other things, I own a yarn shop and stock Drop Spindle yarns so I thought it was cool that you referred to D'Elin's company here. Your choices for your shawl are yummy.