Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cloudy Day

It's overcast today, oops--I don't usually mention that! Anyway, I'm inside doing housework -- I think I'll faint any minute.
My May socks are almost done--I just need to find the notes I made for the first toe (or they will be two different lengths). Clapotis is coming along nicely.
Graduation is looming--but first we need to get through PROM! A granddaughter lives with us and so I'm being "mom" all over again.
Also, I got a very part-time job--must go for training this week--it'll be good to get away for a couple days. I'll get in some extra knitting time; and then on Saturday there is a baby shower for our oldest granddaughter (our SECOND great g-child!) I've got a little quilt done and am working on a tiny pair of socks.
As soon as I find those notes, I'll stop what I'm doing and finish the sox and post a picture. Must keep my priorities in place!

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