Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I've joined another KAL. This one really makes sense to me. Everything I knit for the KAL must be for me! I tend to put my things at the bottom of the pile. I have way too many family members to keep doing that and ever expect to get anything done for myself.
Last year I did knit myself a pair of socks--they started out for the DH but he didn't like how they fit around the ankles so, I got them by default. I knitted him a better fitting pair. I'm not sure that even counts.

Our first project will be a shawl/poncho/stole. We have three months to complete the project, however I want to be done by mid June. We are going to a H.S. Reunion and I want to wear it then.

I think tomorrow I'll have time to take pics. I'll post what I have of the new stole and some WIPs.

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